Friday, March 21, 2008

How should we interpret The Constitution?

The Constitution should not be interpreted, there is no way to "interpret" it. We should take The Constitution literally for what it says, there is no hidden meaning. The founding fathers wrote down and said what they thought; The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, speeches, and the like clearly show us that the constitution states exactly what they meant. Given the circumstances at hand when The Constitution was written (they just fought a war for our independence and our liberties, the union was failing under The Articles of Confederation, they were trying to make a working republican government system that secured the individual rights of the people.), I hardly think that our founding fathers would write anything than exactly what they meant. When we go about trying to "interpret" The Constitution it becomes a dangerous thing. People often entangle their own ideals into what they think The Constitution means when they go about trying to "interpret" it. That is why we must take it literally for what it truly states, add nothing to it and take nothing away from it.

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